Africa’Com .. We were there
We were there, among the connectivity champions in Africa .. #Connects_Africa of tech and telco events was an amazing experience for Roamsmart! We want to say Thank you to our customers and partners for meeting with us.

Roam Smart @ WAS#10
WAS#10 was an exceptional event! Special thanks to the host Telefonica and to our customers who took the time to meet and collaborate with us!

The hot topics discussed at WAS#9 in Kuala Lumpur
RoamSmart team attended the WAS#9 event in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia between 8th and 11th of April. Here is a summary of the hot topics discussed in the main conference hall, made available by RoamSmart experts for our customers and followers, in order to remain updated with latest industry news: RCS (Rich Communication Services) RCS is

Meet us at WAS#9 in Kuala Lumpur
We would like to invite you to join RoamSmart at WAS#9 event, organized by GSMA in Kuala Lumpur between April 8th and 11th. During this event, RoamSmart will be showcasing the new version of its Unified Roaming Platform, the most comprehensive Roaming Management Platform covering Roaming Management System, RAEX IR.21 handling, RAEX IOT, RAEX Opdata,

Meet RoamSmart at MWC2019 in Barcelona
RoamSmart will be exhibiting at MWC2019 event, organized by GSMA in Barcelona between February 25th and 28th. During this event, RoamSmart will be showcasing the new version of its Unified Roaming Platform,the most comprehensive Roaming Management Platform covering Roaming Management System, RAEX IR.21 handling, RAEX IOT, RAEX Opdata, Roaming Audit and Inbound Roaming Market Share.

Meet Us at WAS 8 Rovinj (Croatia)
We would like to invite you to join RoamSmart at WAS#8 event, organized by GSMA in Rovinj between 08.10 and 11.10, 2018. Get in touch at contact@roam-smart.com to schedule a meeting.

Meet us at ConneXion 2018 in Bern
We would like to invite you to join RoamSmart at ConneXion event, organized by our partner Comfone in Bern (Switzerland) between June 5th and 7th. Get in touch at contact@roam-smart.com to schedule a meeting.

Meet us at WAS#7 in Dubai
We would like to invite you to join RoamSmart at WAS#7 event, organized by GSMA in Dubai between March 19th and 22nd. Get in touch at contact@roam-smart.com to schedule a meeting.

Meet RoamSmart at MWC2018 in Barcelona
RoamSmart will be exhibiting at MWC2018 event, organized by GSMA in Barcelona between February 26th and March 01st. Get in touch at contact@roam-smart.com to schedule a meeting and visit our booth in Hall 5 Stand 5I41. RoamSmart : Taking Roaming Froward !

RoamSmart leader in Customer Service
RoamSmart has been voted best vendor “WOW Factor” within the Customer Service 2017 survey conducted by ROCCO, among 145 suppliers. More details under following link : https://www.linkedin.com/company-beta/2761906/