Slide Roaming Management Tool Roamsmart

Unified Roaming Platform

is RoamSmart’s integrated online portal providing access to all our solutions and applications in a modular approach. It helps creating a holistic view of the roaming business and monetizing the existing data sources. The combination of several modules creates an additional insight into the roaming business performance and helps track the roaming processes and identify the required actions to improve business efficiency.

Our big data based Unified Roaming Platform helps operators in managing their roaming business from different angles:

  • Operational efficiency of the rollout activity
  • Process automation in the RAEX Management (IR.21/IR.85, IOT and Opdata)
  • Roaming revenue assurance through Core Network Database Audit
  • Negotiation competitive edge with Inbound Roaming Market Share
  • Business Intelligence for accurate business tracking and reporting
  • Deep Insight on the business : Traffic, Revenues, market share and steering performance
  • Fraud detection and near-real time alarming

Unified Roaming Platform offers access to following modules :

  • Roaming Management Tool (RMT)
  • Inbound Roaming Market Share (IRMS)
  • Roaming Database

    Audit (RDBA)

  • IREG360
  • IOT360
  • Opdata360